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Landscape Design & Maintenance

What's In Bloom Today?

Russian Sage, or Perovskia atriplicifolia, is giving a spectacular show right now.     A full sun perennial, Russian sage (named in honor of the Russian general V.A. Perovski), features light lavender blooms on 2 to 4 foot stems from mid July to mid October. Easy to grow, Russian sage thrives in average, well-drained soil. It …

Green Spaces for Cities -- Part 1

  Perspectives change over time, don’t they?   We were on I -90 headed to Chicago’s Union Station when I glanced out the window and noticed the downtown skyline. Ten years ago I would have commented on how exciting it was to see all of the sleek buildings dominating the landscape. This time the view made …

Design Your Perfect Pathway

My granddaughter and I were playing in the backyard the other day. One minute she was chasing me and laughing and the next she was frozen in one spot with huge tears streaming down her cheeks. I figured her brother had something to do with it (not unusual),  but it turned out that I was …

Fall Migration Is Around the Corner -- and Monarchs Need Our Help

Yesterday my Monarch Waystation certification and sign came in the mail; I now officially manage the 25,045th registered stopping point for Monarchs. When we get it mounted, it will be the fourth waystation sign in our larger neighborhood and the first one on our street. I’m hoping that some of my neighbors, especially the synthetic …

The Mid-Summer Garden

My flower gardens are at their peak. They’ve had plenty of spring rain to push lush growth and now the warmth of consistent sunny days is producing bloom after bloom. My hibiscus blossoms are as big as dinner plates, my bright red pentas are the delight of the local hummingbirds and butterflies are flocking to …

What's In Bloom Today?

Native to Missouri, Rose Mallows are beginning to bloom right now.       Rose mallows, like their cousins swamp mallows, are easily gown in average, moist to wet soils and are ideal rain garden plants. They bloom profusely in full sun, but can tolerate a very lightly shaded environment. Good air circulation is also …

Patience Is the Key To A Successful Butterfly Garden

One of my favorite things to do this summer is to quietly sit on my deck, watching dozens of butterflies floating through the yard enjoying the nectar buffet I’ve planted. This is the first year that I’ve had a steady stream of visitors and it feels like the time, effort and money I’ve put into …

What's In Bloom Today?

The Golden Rain Tree is in bloom across Kansas City right now.     Introduced from Japan in 1763,  the Golden Rain Tree has been a gorgeous addition to the landscape for decades. This smaller, rounded head tree, usually 30 to 40 feet tall, can withstand air pollution, heavy clay soils and drought. In June …