Building Spring Beauty with Blooming Trees
The weather has not been great here lately. The temperatures have dropped, the sky has been a depressing shade of cloudy grey and the wind has been chilly. I have to admit that the older I get, the more I avoid going outside to do those necessary chores on ourngloomy days. Instead, I …
Add Warmth to Your Life with a New Fire Pit
As summer ends and fall approaches, many people wistfully retreat indoors convinced that opportunities for gathering together and enjoying the outdoors are over until next year. The truth is just because the days are getting shorter and the temperatures colder, sharing times together in the outdoors doesn’t need to end. Professional landscaping can create …
Creating a Sanctuary For the Birds (And You!)
Growing up, the lawn, especially in the front of the house, was my father’s pride and joy. He spent hours and probably a small fortune coddling his grass. Every blade was cherished; it got exactly the right amount of fertilizer, pesticide, herbicide and water. It was mowed, edged and raked profusely. No leaf ever …
Nature Spaces -- A Place to Play
Play is an essential part of a well balanced life whether we are talking about children or adults. As children, play helps guide us into our lives as adults and as adults, play allows us to step back from those lives and de-stress. Spending time in nature is another essential aspect of a healthy life. …