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Evergreens, Anchor of the Landscape

Have you ever seen the hilarious Abbott and Costello sketch Who’s on First?”   Over the  weekend I happened to overhear (Ok, I was eavesdropping; it was too funny to miss) a conversation that immediately reminded me of the sketch. A relatively harassed sounding salesperson was trying to explain to a very confused woman the difference between an evergreen and a conifer. She just wasn't getting it and the longer they talked, the more confused they each got. I have no idea why they were having the conversation in the first place, but it did get me thinking about the two terms.  


I have spent the last two months cleaning debris from my mimosa tree off of my front patio, porch and even my   entryway.  I love the tree in the summer when it is covered in blooms and hummingbirds are flocking to its sweet nectar, but I have to admit that I curse at it a  bit the rest of the year. Why anyone would plant such a messy tree right next to the   house is way beyond my understanding.