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October 2017

Creating a Sanctuary For the Birds (And You!)

  Growing up, the lawn, especially in the front of the house, was my father’s pride and joy.  He spent hours and probably a small fortune coddling his grass.  Every blade was cherished; it got exactly the right amount of fertilizer, pesticide, herbicide and water. It was mowed, edged and raked profusely. No leaf ever …

Nature Spaces -- A Place to Play

Play is an essential part of a well balanced life whether we are talking about children or adults.  As children, play helps guide us into our lives as adults and as adults, play allows us to step back from those lives and de-stress. Spending time in nature is another essential aspect of a healthy life. …

The Relationship Between Children's Health and Time in Nature

Those of us of a certain age probably remember long summer days with a degree of fondness.  Those were the days we were outdoors from the early morning until we were called home for family dinner time.  They were days spent riding bicycles, exploring the surroundings and sometimes just lying in the grass staring up …

Enviroscaping -- Urban Design for Today

                                                       A dear friend from out of town came to stay with me for a few days.  While she was here we did lots of running around;  I wanted her to experience what I loved about my new home.  As she was ready to leave, she told me that she could see why I loved …