Plant A Patch: Rose Verbena - Glandulria canadensis
An easy to grow reblooming perennial, rose verbena is a perfect choice for a ground covering plant in a dry, rocky area in the full sun. It self-seeds easily and spreads quickly from roots that can form at the nodes. Clusters of pinkish purple flowers begin in May and continue intermittently through early fall. …

Freshen Your Yard for Fall
This past weekend was the first time in a long time that I was able to sit with a cup of coffee and honestly critique the gardens that I have put in the backyard so far. It was truly depressing! I tried to rationalize that they were still relatively new and that the weather had …

Plant A Patch: Fall Glade Onion -- (Allium stellatum)
When planting your spring blooming bulbs this fall, consider adding some Fall Glade Onions to the mix. Fall Glade Onions, also commonly called Prairie Onions, add drama to your fall garden, just as other summer blooms are starting to fade. Fall Glade Onions grow easily in shallow, rocky soil in full sun to partial …

Nightscaping -- Magic for Your Yard
With a slight break in the streak of hot, humid weather we’ve had this summer, I’m finding myself spending more time outdoors, especially in the evenings when the sun crosses over the house and onto the street side. The last few nights I have found myself playing the “What if….” game. What if I added …
It's Back to School Time!
We’re off to Wisconsin this week to attend some exciting new design classes. See you soon with lots of new information and ideas. In the meantime, I’ve included a past article on the benefits of nature-rich playgrounds and quick ideas for adding natural elements to existing play spaces. Play is an essential part …

Plant A Patch -- Shining Blue Star (Amsonia illustris)
. The Shining Blue Star is indeed a shining star of the garden, featuring clusters of blue flowers in the spring, glossy green leaves throughout the summer and brilliant gold foliage in the fall. Also called Ozark blue star, this native perennial prefers a full sun location but will also bloom well in partial shade. …
Rethinking Lawns -- Part 4: Groundcovers
Life without turfgrass can be both beautiful and surprisingly easy to maintain …. Just ask the designers and crews at Embassy Landscape Group who have created landscapes that are attractive, painless to care for and environmentally friendly. Utilizing a wide range of native and introduced plants, ground covers, shrubs and trees, Embassy’s design staff are …

Plant A Patch: Fall Glade Onion -- (Allium stellatum)
Also called the prairie onion, this late blooming native prefers full sun with some lightly dappled shade in extreme heat. It does well in sandy or rocky soils and will thrive in shallow soil. The green, grass-like leaves, which often disappear before the 12 – 18 inch flower stalks, give off a strong scent of …