Touring The World's Gardens -- From Home: Part 2
Welcome back to our virtual tour of some of the world’s outstanding -- and unusual -- botanical gardens. For this trip, I thought we would start right here in the United States with a visit to a garden that is one of my personal favorites, the Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix, Arizona.

Touring The World's Gardens -- From Home
Just when quarantining was starting to get to me, I discovered a way to travel the world from the safety of my favorite chair -- I found a treasure trove of virtual tours. With a few clicks of my mouse, I joined a Smithsonian tour of Egyptian Heritage Sites, rode an elevator to the top of the Eiffel Tower and came face-to-face with the wildlife of Antarctica. Best of all though, were the breathtaking botanical gardens I meandered through. If you’re ready for a break from the humdrum pace of everyday life, then join me as we stroll through ten of the world’s best. We’ll explore five of my favorites this week and five more next week. I hope you’ll join us for all ten.

Great Winter Reads
Here in the Midwest, with its frigid days and frequent snowstorms, the winter months are the perfect time to immerse yourself in nature. No, you can’t head to the garden to putter, but you can curl up with a good book -- or a magazine -- or a blog -- or even a stack of seed catalogs to expand your horizons, learn something new and get your nature fix.
I’m always searching for something new to dig into and through the years, recommendations from friends and from professionals in the field have led me to some outstanding reads. This year I asked the staff at Embassy Landscape Group to share some of their wintertime favorites.
Not surprisingly, they’ve suggested some great choices.

The Do’s and Don'ts of Winter
One of the problems with winter garden maintenance is that many best practices are often dependent on location, weather conditions and plant species. While this makes it difficult to provide hard and fast rules for everyone, there are a few wintertime maintenance dos and don’ts that hold true regardless of where you live. To help the newer gardeners this winter, we’ve put together a short list of some important winter